I'm Sorry - Aranik, Ryan, Kimzz

Started by dudevon, June 08, 2008, 11:41:02 PM

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The Raid Leader- When you stand in the flames, he dies a little bit inside.


One bright day in the middle of night two dead boys rose to fight.  Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another.  A deaf policeman heard the noise, and saved the lives of the two dead boys.  If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.


One bright day in the middle of night two dead boys rose to fight.  Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another.  A deaf policeman heard the noise, and saved the lives of the two dead boys.  If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.


your post count cant be expressed in numeral format anymore.
The Raid Leader- When you stand in the flames, he dies a little bit inside.



I'll get you for this Dudevon
you too Lolly


One bright day in the middle of night two dead boys rose to fight.  Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another.  A deaf policeman heard the noise, and saved the lives of the two dead boys.  If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.


This is an outrage!

The three of us should start our own forums in protest !!  www.core-of-infamousguild.com/forums/


this is an aaauuuwtraayge i cant hear that without picturing the bloke from mighty boosh lol



Immortal words of Lord Log, 05/11/2009: Yeah, in all fairness Sam did a lot of good for the guild, he was a really good officer....

Opus 21/07/2006: a lot of things seem to come naturally to you recently, overhealing, fucking friends over, lying... I could go on.


haha im not biting sam shoo. and erestor? for shame son


look at my post count it's I am a geek!

i win
One bright day in the middle of night two dead boys rose to fight.  Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another.  A deaf policeman heard the noise, and saved the lives of the two dead boys.  If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.